Vessels of Honor

Vessels of Honor

During Black History Month, we will be sharing perspective from some members of our NCC community and ways to further engage. This week, Ernest Clover, Director of the DC Dream Center and Southeast White House, reflects on his Blackness and his faith. 


Two people I draw wisdom from are Fredrick Douglass and Booker T. Washington. What inspires me is that both men were once enslaved and in spite of this reality, they rose to heights not thought possible for people from such a lowly station. 

What I see in them is the story of Joseph. What was intended for evil—slavery—God used it for good (Gen. 50:20). Like Joseph before them, the Lord was working in their hearts and preparing them for a great work. Fredrick Douglass became a world-renowned orator who would show the evils of slavery to the world and Booker T. Washington founded Tuskegee University. 

For those who share in my complexion, we too are being formed for a great work. Those who were once despised, are now becoming vessels of honor. Despite a multitude of hardships, heartache, and pain, the Lord is redeeming every moment.

Through the work of the DC Dream Center, I have had the opportunity to shepherd people through one of the darkest times in our collective history. The hope I have and get to share with those I counsel is that these darker moments if we let them, can point us to the hand of God getting us through. This alone raises the question: if He did it once, can’t He do it again?



Here are ways you can join in the celebration of Black History Month both virtually and in person through our church and throughout DMV We encourage you to explore opportunities in your local community. 


NCC Small Groups:

Restore & Reconcile - Run by the DC Dream Center. Join us for conversations around racism and reconciliation from a Christian perspective. Hear lived experiences, look at what Scripture says, and discuss your questions.

Events and Activities:

National Museum of African American History and Culture - Events

Smithsonian- History and Heritage Month Events

Listen and Learn - February Event (more information coming soon)

Listen and Learn creates space for people share the power of their personal story with others. For the month of February, we will celebrate the stories of the African American community.

Additional Resources: 

The History of the Negro Church  - Carter G. Woodson

The Black Church: This is Our Story, This is Our Song - PBS Documentary

Narrative of Frederick Douglass

Narrative of Booker T. Washington