Care, Support, & Recovery Articles

Walking Through Trials, Traumas, and Tragedies—Together

Walking Through Trials, Traumas, and Tragedies—Together
Who do you turn to when tragedy strikes?
Hopefully, you have several friends and family members you can reach out to in the face of a difficult situation for encouragement, prayer, and a listening ear.  However, for folks who live in a transient city like DC, that may not always be the case.  And, depending on the situation, your friends and family may not be able to offer the support you need.
That's why National Community Church offers support groups.  Who can better understand your situation than someone else who has walked through, or is walking through, a similar situation?  We all need supportive community where we can encourage one another, support one another, bear one another's burdens, and fulfill all the other "one another" passages of scripture.
While recovery groups like Celebrate Recovery offer support to those overcoming a hurt, hang-up, or habit, issue-specific support groups provide community to those walking through a trial, trauma, or tragedy.
At NCC, our support groups generally take two forms -- weekly groups where people are actively working through helpful material over a set period of time, and ongoing monthly groups that generally serve as a touchpoint where people can share their experiences and be reminded that they are not alone.
DivorceCare and GriefShare, which we have offered at various times, are primary examples of the former.  Both last 13 weeks and include a video curriculum featuring counselors and other experts, group discussion, and a workbook with daily devotions.  Participants find hope and healing as they dive deeply into topics relevant to the circumstance they are facing.
Prime examples of the latter include Survivors Supper Club (for cancer, and critical illness survivors, patients, and caregivers), Faith After Divorce (for divorced Christians), and Not Your Typical Men's Breakfast (for men who are experiencing same-sex attraction and who are embracing celibacy or considering opposite-sex marriage).  Each of these monthly groups provides the opportunity to share experiences, discuss common struggles, and to pray, cry, and laugh together.
You can view a list of all of NCC's care, support, and recovery groups at  During the pandemic most of NCC's support groups have continued to meet but have shifted to online, which has provided an opportunity for people outside the DC area to attend.
At NCC we're always dreaming of additional support groups we could offer.  Weekly groups like DivorceCare for Kids (which we offered once before), One More Try (for separated spouses), Single & Parenting, Living Grace (for those dealing with mental health issues), and Family Grace (for family members of those dealing with mental health issues) would likely find an audience.  Monthly groups for those dealing with anxiety, depression, anger, ADD/ADHD, diabetes, blended families, food & body image, infertility, pregnancy loss, and suicide loss are just a few of the ones we've dreamed of offering or, in some cases, of offering again.
Which is where you come in.  Do you have a specific support group you'd like to see NCC offer?  Is there an issue for which you could use supportive community?  If so, let us know!
One of the biggest challenges we always face is finding leaders for the groups we'd like to see happen.  Is there an issue you've walked through and either found freedom on the other side or found stability in the midst of it?  If so, would you be willing to lead a group for others walking through the same situation?  If so, let us know that too!
As Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 1:3-4, "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God."
When you join a support group, you're able to tangibly share the comfort you've received from God -- and share in that received by others.  Check out all our options today!  And fill out our form if there are other opportunities you'd like to see!
About Ryan Zempel
Pastor of Recovery & Care
Ryan hails from the great state of Oregon, where he grew up in a log house his family built. He graduated from George Fox University in 1998…
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